Thyroid Supplements


Why would anyone need to worry about taking thyroid supplements? You’re probably perfectly healthy with nothing to worry about, right? Well, the surprising fact is that a large number of North Americans have problems with their thyroid gland, and as many of half of these cases may even go undiagnosed. Ninety percent of thyroid patients have hypothyroidism – in other words, they have a thyroid gland that is not active enough.

Your thyroid gland is an extremely important part of your body. As it is responsible for controlling metabolism, the efficient functioning of the thyroid (or lack thereof) affects almost every system in the body. If your thyroid is not functioning perfectly, it follows that you are not functioning at 100 percent either.

Some Signs of Hypothyroidism

You may be interested in taking thyroid supplements after discovering that your thyroid gland is not doing its job well. However, how can you tell if this is the case? What are some of the signs and symptoms that may point to hypothyroidism?

    • Constant fatigue, even if you are running on plenty of sleep
    • Sudden weight gain
    • The inability to drop a few pounds
    • Noticeable hormonal imbalances
    • Mood swings, depression, and anxiety issues
    • A low sex drive
    • Recurring muscle pain, tendonitis, and possibly carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Dry skin, too much hair loss, change in nail texture
    • Poor memory and concentration
    • Excessive snoring, or hoarseness in your voice
    • A swollen neck
    • Feeling cold when other people don’t, cold hands and feet
    • Constipation

The thyroid gland is closely linked to your hypothalamus and your pituitary gland. Depending on the feedback between these three organs, your thyroid releases the appropriate amount of hormones. TRH from the hypothalamus stimulates the production of TSH (pituitary thyrotropin); this in turn stimulates the thyroid gland to produce T4 and T3. When there is sufficient T4 in your system, it sends a signal to stop the production of TRH and TSH.T3 is the active thyroid hormone that controls your metabolism, keeps your body warm enough, keeps your bowels functioning well, and controls the level of other hormones in your body. This is why the effects can be so severe when a patient has hypothyroidism. The most common form of hypothyroidism is known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis – it is an autoimmune disease which causes the body to attack its own systems or organs.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Unfortunately, many thyroid imbalance symptoms are rather vague – and doctors sometimes do not ask enough questions to find out exactly what the problem is. Good health care providers will run extra tests (beyond the TSH and T4 tests) to determine what is really going on in the patient’s body.

Once you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, there are a range of treatments available, as well as thyroid supplements that you can take. You must be extremely careful which supplements you choose to take, however. Researchers have found that too many “thyroid supplements” contain potentially harmful levels of hormones. The problem is that supplements are not subject to the same testing and scrutiny as medical drugs are, and they are easily available online, or through sketchy multi-level-marketing schemes.

Therefore, it pays to be aware of exactly what you are buying. Most of the thyroid supplements contain ground-up thyroid glands from animals like cows or pigs (and these ingredients may or may not be accurately listed on the packaging). Researchers determined that 90 percent of the thyroid supplements tested contained T4. This is particularly dangerous to patients’ health, because too much T4 may induce symptoms like heart palpitations, affect one’s blood pressure, trigger insomnia, and so on. Thus, it is advisable to take only prescription thyroid hormone medications, or to stick to safe herbal supplements.

Herbal Thyroid Supplements

If you have never heard of tTHYROID-THROU, you have come to the right place. Unlike other potentially harmful thyroid supplements, Thyroid-Throu is a natural, herbal compound.  Thyroid-throu is a thyroid package.  It benefits the body by cleansing the thyroid glands so that the thyroid can normalize its function.

Besides taking Sagee, here are a number of other things you can do to facilitate healthy thyroid function:

  • Take high quality multivitamins that contain iron, vitamin B, selenium, zinc, and vitamin D.
  • Tyrosine and iodine supplements can help with the conversion of FT4 to FT3.
  • Develop strategies to better manage your stress levels.
  • Try a gluten-free diet (this may especially help patients with Hashimoto’s).
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Do yoga.
  • Take good care of your digestive system.
  • Limit your exposure to chemicals like chorine, fluoride, and bromide.

Contact Sagee for your thyroid supplements in Canada